"He sees you."
Without a doubt, this is the truth I cling to the most. There's something so beautiful and mysterious about the fact that He sees ME and that He sees YOU at the same time. It gives me so much peace and comfort that the same Lord who walked the earth, created the universe, and rose from the dead, chooses to know me.
Not only does He see us, but He intimately knows us. But the kicker is, He sees us and knows us whether we want Him to or not.
"You see the depths of my heart, yet you love me the same." That's what I'm here to write about today. I'm not here to point out your sin and tell you you're doing it wrong. Because I'd be crazy if I thought I was doing it right. I'm here to tell you that despite your mistakes, despite your decisions... He sees you and your heart, and He loves you.
"I can never escape from your Spirit. I can never get away from your presence." - Psalms 139:7
Go check out Psalms 139 for further reading!
I think, in moments when we are tempted, we like to separate ourselves from God and the truth we know about Him. At least that's true for me. I don't think about the Lord's presence when I'm talking bad about someone or hanging out with people I shouldn't. I like to think He doesn't see me then. But that's not true. He sees us when we "sit down or stand up... when we travel or when we rest at home," says Psalms 139. We can't escape the presence of the Lord.
I hate to say it, and it's weird to think about, but Jesus is with you when you're in front of that computer screen, or in the car with your boyfriend, or at that party. He's there. But I want you to hear this... not for a second did He look at you with eyes of condemnation. Not for a second did He shake His finger at you with disapproval and say, "You're not good enough," or "I don't love you anymore because you chose to do that." Jesus looks at you with loving eyes and a full heart. Your Father is crazy about you despite your mistakes.
"So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you." - Romans 8:1-2
What a beautiful thing it is that His grace is new every morning. He never runs out of love. You are not bound to any chains or any guilt. But Jesus calls us to repent of our sins. My bible defines repentance as a turning away from sin, disobedience, or rebellion and a turning back to God. We have to identify our sin, pray in repentance to the Lord, and then turn our backs to that sin and walk away. I definitely don't have that mastered yet, but it's all a process. And it's a process we can't do alone.
Once you realize that the eyes of the Lord see your sin, you won't be as afraid to bring your sin into the light of day. And to me, that's what it's all about. We can't live in the darkness with our sin and try to master it by ourselves. Satan loves to seclude us and make us feel like we're all alone. So we have to do the opposite of that. Bring your sin into the light and talk to someone about it. Once you've laid it before the Lord, go tell someone else. Get someone to hold you accountable. Rip that band-aid off and get a community of people behind you to lead you in repentance. You're not alone. I can almost guarantee someone is struggling with the same thing.
Be encouraged this week that the eyes of the Lord look upon you with infinite love and compassion. You have a good Father who wants to be #1 in your heart and life. You are more than your mistakes. Do not allow Satan to trap or tempt you. You are stronger than those who want to bring you down. Misery loves company. Be intentional and surround yourself with people who are striving to follow the commandments of the Lord. He loves that you're seeking Him. Take heart.
Song of the Week:
Eyes of the Lord- Pas Neos
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