Wednesday, August 19, 2015

University High School: Mission Field

BOLD (adj) 
- fearless before danger, self-assured, confident, prominent 

Summer's over... school's starting...and I'm a Junior. I actually can't believe it. It seems like yesterday I was picking out my colored pencils and puppy folders for 4th grade. Graphing calculators aren't near as fun. Two years down. Two volleyball seasons, two homecomings, two dreadful winters and two incredible, yet short summers.
Two years to go. 

It's scary to think that we're half done. Looking back, it all happened so fast. I honestly don't feel like I took advantage and enjoyed those two years for what they were. I am constantly looking forward to Friday. Which turns into the next weekend, the next season, and the next year. I've been too busy wishing away what's in front of me, because I want what's to come.

I am a junior and University High School is my mission field. That's how I'm choosing to look at it this year. I'm done worrying about changing the world when there's infinite amounts of work to be done, right here in my small high school. There is thick darkness surrounding the hearts and minds of the students in our schools. Something has to be done. I'm praying for revival. Satan tells me it's crazy but in the name of Jesus, it can be done. I'm chasing Jesus, in the hopes that my high school will see a glimpse of Heaven.

Jesus has woken me up lately... we're simply going to miss it. Without realizing it, we're going to look past the confused hearts in the hallway, or the teacher going through a divorce, or the friend struggling with addiction.

We are called to be bold, dangerous and relentless followers of Jesus. Let's make something out of every moment this year. Even rainy Mondays where we want nothing more but to be in bed. There are far too many hearts to be won for Jesus. 

High school is hard. People are scary. Satan wants us to be consumed with worrying about if they'll accept us, or how weird we'll look. We need to start encouraging each other in this intimating challenge. We're louder together. Take heart...
He sees you, He loves you and He's proud of you.
YOU are enough.
You are being pursued by a loving and good father who's placed that fire in your heart you can't get enough of.
Press on.

Ask Jesus to place situations in your path each day for you to tell someone about Him. Be intentional and listen to that small voice telling you to go sit by that boy in the lunch room. If we listen, he'll show up. I promise.

Verses to encourage you: 
"For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ..." - Philippians 1:20 NLT

"And he will stand to lead his flock with the Lord's strength, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. Then his people will live there undisturbed, for He will be highly honored around the world. And He will be the source of peace." - Micah 5:4-5 NLT

"The Lord will bring me into the light, and I will see his righteousness." - Micah 7:9 NLT

"Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." - John 16:33 NLT


  1. Syd, you are such a beautiful example of the love of Christ to those around you! I think I've told you before how you remind me of a quote from a favorite author. Henri Nouwen, said, "The Jesus in you brings out the Jesus in me."! You have the God given ability to bring Jesus out in others. Sydney, I've given many witness talks and speeches over the years to both large crowds and small, sometimes receiving the support of standing ovations. I've been blessed to see how witnessing for Christ encourages people and sets them on fire! His children hearing about Christ and responding with acknowledgement and agreement and for some with 'now I understand for the first time' can set them on fire. Syd, please remember as you move into the years ahead, you have a God-given grace, for writing and sharing your faith - take every opportunity, say yes to every invitation to write or speak even spur of the moment! The last time I said yes was very much off the cuff! It was on the altar of St.Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. John had been presented an award, then for some reason a member of clergy turned to me and said, "Phyllis, please say a few words". With about 700 Catholics and protestants, clergy and lay people in the audience I silently ask the Holy Spirit, to please guide my words! With humility I reminded everyone present of our reasons for saying yes to sharing Christ. We are his hands and feet on earth! His voice to the lonely, His touch to the hurting, His food to the hungry of body and spirit and His compassion to those in prison. We are each called to go forth and tell His children about His saving grace! Don't ever stop loving Him, speaking and writing about Him. As you well know, He died to give you new life......a life that's also available to all who accept Christ but first they must hear, see and know --- Sydney,you are called to be an encourager and a provider!

    Jesus Loves You Sydney and so do I. Aunt Phyl Isaiah 40:28-31

    1. wow! i had chills while reading this. thanks you so much for your kind words and encouragment. love that story as well. so cool... im so anxious to see what jesus does with these next two years. thanks so much for your support. means more than you know! :)

  2. Sydney and Paige, this is a big encouragement! My son,Jason, is a Freshman at U High this year. Your Mom and i are high school classmates and friends. Maybe you and Jason will end up friends as well. At the very least you are brother and sister in Christ!

    1. that is so cool!!! thanks for the comment! :)
